Second Chance Kandles

Kinder Kandles & Company

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Regular price $4.41 CAD
Regular price Sale price $4.41 CAD
Sale Sold out

Feeling like you could use a second chance? You're not alone! Let our candles have their chance too.


Each 2nd chance Kinder Kandle has lived a past life as a candle. The containers have either been generously donated back or have been in our personal candle rotation.

THE BEST NEWS--You can purchase a 2nd chance Kinder Kandle for 1/2 the price of a new one. Win/Win!

So how does it work? We wanted to keep shaking things up & and prefer to go against the "norm" when it comes to the candles we curate, so we figured why not keep going!?! Select your size/style/type container & then a scent profile**--kick back & let us do the rest! If you have specific requests, please provide that info at purchase.

Limited to stock on hand, if you don't see your style/size, continue to check back. Sizes, styles  & scent will vary based on inventory.

  • Orders over $75 qualify for discounted shipping (Availb in the USA)
  • All shipping materials are recyclable
  • Questions? Collaborate? Let's chat
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