Put A Wick In It!!

Kinder Kandles & Company

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Regular price $4.41 CAD
Regular price Sale price $4.41 CAD
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Kinder Kandles seeks to create a more sustainable future with the launch of their refill program, "Put A Wick In It!", offering customers the ability to refill their (Candle Safe) containers for a discount. 
Specify the quantity of wax in ounces desired, the diameter of the candle holder, and pick a fragrance. If you're feeling daring, opt for the dealer choice option for an unexpected scent.
Your KandleBox will contain the instructions along with the necessary supplies for you, to "Put A Wick In It!
  • Orders over $75 qualify for discounted shipping (Availb in the USA)
  • All shipping materials are recyclable
  • Questions? Collaborate? Let's chat
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